
Reflection on punctuality

Before writing on my reflection, I would like to apologise to the staffs of WUST present at that time, the bus driver, the MDE and ECE students waiting for us in the bus and Miss Neo for delaying the entire trip and taking up all of your time while waiting for us.

Before climbing up to 金顶, the tour guide told us that we were to gather at the foot of the hill at 1pm. But later it was pushed to 1.30pm.

I feel very remorseful that I had to keep the whole group of MDE & ECE students,staffs and the driver to wait for an hour. I feel that what I’d done,keeping them waiting is very irresponsible and has caused many impacts.

I think that there will be many different perspective of how the people there will think of us for keeping them waiting.

For the WUST staff, they will probably feel worried for our safety, wondering why we were’nt able to reach there at the meeting time and where we were at that time. I think that during their wait, they will have a bad impression of us. Time is very important when it comes to group trips. Because they had to wait for us, their schedule will be affected. We were scheduled to reach school by 7. In the end we reached at 9. The WUST staffs have to work the day after and will probably have other things to do before that.

For the MDE and ECE students there, they will probably feel very hungry at that time because they waited for us and didn’t go and eat anything before that. They might feel angry that they have to wait for us before they could go and eat.

For the driver, he will feel very mad at us. This is because he has to wait for us before he has to head off. If delayed, the trip will prolong. It is very difficult to drive at night and the lives of the people in the bus are endangered. Morever, he has to work the day after too.

For Miss Neo, I feel that she will feel very worried for us and also she has to settle many things just because we were late. I think that though the situation is rather complicated, Miss Neo has remained very calm during the entire situation. I think that she may be angry at us at some points of time, but I know that she was in fact worried about our safety because we might encounter some mishaps on the way.

Once again, I am really very sorry for making the WUST staff, MDE ,ECE students, the driver and Miss Neo to wait for us. All of you had to wait for us before all of you could eat and has also reached back to WUST later than expected.

There are many consequences of being late.

If we were late, people will have a bad impression of us. We are ambassadors of Ngee Ann polytechnic and also at the same time carry Singapores name. For what we had done, our behaviour will not only affect our school’s reputation, but might also put a bad name to Singapore.

Also, we delayed the entire trip. The time wasted has an impact on every single person in the bus who were waiting for us. There are many things that they could do if they were to arrive earlier as scheduled. They might even have plans based on the actual schedule and their plans might have been canceled or delayed just because we were late.

Us being late will affect us in many ways in the future. People will see us differently in the future after this incident. They might treat us differently because we were unable to meet the schedule and cause them to wait for us. It may seem that the WUST staff were seem okay with us but I know that its because of common courtesy.

If we were late and the bus left, more complications may arise. Another arrangement of another bus may have to be necessary and we will reach at a different time. This may affect the schedules in the future. This will result in extra costs there wouldn’t be neccesary if we were not late.

It will also cause trouble for the tour guide because she was there with us all the time. She most probably has to work the day after and if there is a delay in the trip, she may not be able to work. This will have a great impact because her job might be at stake.

If I were given a second chance, even though I feel remorseful, I will still choose to help my friend but the only difference is I wouldn’t buy the souvenior there. We went down the mountain around 12 and we will reach on time. It was difficult to get down the mountain because some people were uncomfortable and there was a point where by we stopped at a souvenior shop to get something. It was at this time whereby it took most of our time. We thought that the meeting point is just upstairs the souvenior shop and the time was around 1. After getting the things, we climbed up. We climbed up and had to stop to rest some times throughout after climbing a level of stairs. Even if I went ahead without helping my friend, I will also be irresponsible. I am really sorry that I caused the people on the bus to wait for me. Even if I reach the bus alone, my friend will still be behind. Therefore, I will still rather help her then go ahead alone.

In conclusion, I learnt that punctuality is a very important thing. Be it 1 minute or 10minutes, it is still late. Imagine if 33 people were to wait for us for 1 minute each, we are like wasting the time of what 33 people could do within that 1 minute.They had to wait for us for an hour and that’s a lot. I am very sorry that I had caused many inconvience during this event and in the future, I will be punctual in any events.

I also learnt to be more responsible in the future. Every action, be it good or bad, will not only reflect on my personality, but will also link to where I come from. It will reflect badly on my school and my country. That’s why, I have to be more careful in the future on my actions because there may be dire consequences if I don’t think carefully before I act.

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