
Day 20

Today we had project management lesson in the morning. We learnt about PERT today.

It was kind off like applied statistics.

After lessons we went to have dinner at The Greenery Cafe. The restaurant looked very grand but the food when ordered isn't as nice as expected.

After that we went back to our rooms.


Today in the restaurant, the menu there was very funny. The translation of the food in the menu were mostly directly translated from Chinese to English. Here is a picture of a dish which was translated directly.

I feel that though it may be funny to me, other foreigners may not feel this way. Ever since the Beijing Olympics, more and more China people has improved themselves by learning English. However, there are still many things that can be improved. Imagine you're from a Western country and you come to China for holidays. You walk into a restaurant and look at the menu. You don't understand Chinese and can only read the english words. You may not be sure what the dishes are because of the direct translations and might end up getting something you don't like. Morever, when you order, it may sound wrong to you and when you order it may be kind off awkward too. This may be just a small translation. But foreigners who patronize the restaurant might have a bad impression of it and won't come back again. Not only that, he or she will have a bad impression of the stay in China just because of the experience had in the restaurant. Therefore, I feel that restaurants should not underestimate the direct translations. They should hire people to give proper translations of the dishes of the menu.

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