
Day 6

Lessons ended early today at 11 because there was an event in the evening. After which, me,wen jie, ron,wei qin, soonling, janice,cynthia,winnie and ling li went to a steamboat restaurant to have our lunch. It was quite far away but the food there was good, so it was worth it. After that, we headed back to school as we had to prepare for our perfomance in the evening. Time passed very quickly and soon we were heading off to the venue.

wen jie,winnie,ling li,me

For our skit, it involved 5 groups. Firstly, we showcased the different traditional clothings of different ethnic groups. Then, we showed how stamford raffles founded Singapore with a performance. It was very amusing and everyone were bursting with laughter. Next, sihao and I acted out based on JJ Lin’s song 会有那么一天. Lastly, we all ended off with the NDP dance.

After our skit, there were some games. One of them was the taboo game and the other was 终极密码. The losers of the games had to do forfeits and the forfeits was very funny. Everyone had fun during the event and it was certainly a night to remember.


There were lots of fun and laughter today and i definetely enjoyed myself. I like events like this because it brings people together. I am sure that after today’s event, the students of WUST will have a better impression of the students of Singapore and vice versa. I hope that there will be more events like this to let us to get to know the students here better.

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