
Day 5

We started our first lesson today. Overall, we learnt the importance of project management, the factors that influence the results of a benefit-costs-analysis, statement of work, activity on node and the work breakdown structure.

Class ended at 4 today and after class finished, we went back to put our things. On our way back, it actually snowed!!

Me,Wei Qin,Janice
Snow on Wei Qin's jacket!!

Wen Jie,me,Janice,Wei Qin,Soonling,Ron


Group photo

We then headed off for dinner.
Headed back after that


It was really wonderful to be able to see snow. I heard that it was rare for it to snow during March and it was really lucky for us to be able to see it.

There was this poem that i came across which surfing the net and i find it very interesting.

Silence of Snow

The snow began to fall
huge flakes blanketing
limbs overhead
as the firs and pines
let go their long-held breath
in a fragrant sigh

The air was like cut crystal
the dawn sky so pale
it disappeared into itself
Drifting clouds huddled
as if the warmth of togetherness
would melt the snow
they carried in their bellies

Briefly the silence was broken
by the muffled thud
of the heaver sound of hail
striking deep in the packed pine needles
bouncing crazily
on the frozen ground
with stinging cold

The hail pocked the snow
making it dance
into and becoming one
returning to the silence of snow

This poem was written by Carole Mathys.

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