
Day 1

4th march 2010, the day we begin our learning journey in wuhan


Transit in GuanZhou

soon ling wei qin, janice, ron

wei qin, soon ling, ron, me

wei qin,janice, me, soonling

Arrival at Wuhan

This is the first time i ever traveled to China and there're lots of things that i do not know about this country.

On the first day here, i feel that the living conditions are very different here in china as compared to Singapore. There will be situations whereby people will just suddenly spit on the streets and walk away. This sight is common here in China, but in Singapore, acts like this will only cause you to land yourself in an awkward situation, with people staring at you and criticizing on your behavior.

Personally, i feel that the students of Wuhan University of Science and Technolology(WUST) are very friendly. At the airport at Wuhan, after we came out of the arrival gates, we were greeted by some students of WUST. They helped us carry our luggage to the bus which brought us to WUST and on the way, they introduced themselves. After which, the WUST students helped us carry our luggage to a bus.

Then when we were boarding the bus they ensured that each of us has a seat in the bus before getting a seat themselves. it might seem like a small thing, but to me, it felt very heart warming.There're many things about China that I have'nt seen. I hope that during my stay, i get to learn much more about China.

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