
Day 21

Today, we did the last assignment on pert for project management in the morning. We were given time of in the afternoon to study for our project management test which is tommorow.

After class. we headed to MacDonalds for our lunch.

There was this person who made a fool of himself in there. He said that we gave tips to the person serving him but she still ended up ticking him off.

After that, we headed back to study for our test.


Today, i was really taken aback about how the person who created a commotion in Macdonalds. He claimed that he gave the person serving him tips and he was outraged that she ticked him off even after taking his tips. He made a fool of himself by criticising the person serving him in front of all the customers there. The manager gave him 10 rmb and asked him to go away. The guy then walked off and flaunted to people there about that and also continued to criticise about the bad service provided. Little did he know that all hes doing is make a fool of himself. The truth is that he gave the person serving him a phone card with 10 rmb. The person serving him then took the card and broke it. After which, refused to serve him. The man then began ranting at the person serving him. It was something like that from the place I was standing at. I was disgusted by the grin he made when leaving the place. I think that he was just out to take money from the staff at MacDonalds by his small act. I am appalled by his very behaviour and didn't expect that he would do such a thing just to get money. People like him give his country a bad name. Is money really worth the humiliation?

Pictures credit to google.

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