
Day 7

Lesson was as per normal today. We did assignment 5 and pratical 2 today.We were also taught on resource scheduling. I find the plotting of the GANTT Chart and Resource Usage Chart very interesting.

It kind of reminds me of tetris XD.

The Gantt Chart was developed by Henry Gannt as a tool for the display of progression of projects in a specialised chart form. It was improved over time to produce the Gantt Charts you see today. The Gantt Chart is able to display statuses of each activity at a clearer view.
For resource leveling, it is the proper allocation of resources so as to prevent the wastage of resources and the increasing of efficiency of the managements.

Headed back after lessons.


I feel that the Gantt chart and resource scheduling is very helpful to projects as they can help maximise the full usage of resources. If there are cases whereby there are only a limited amount of resources but there is a need for more, this plays a huge part in ensuring that this can be achieved. It is quite difficult to schedule the resources but it gives me a sense of satisfaction when i have properly done resource scheduling.

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