
Day 15

Today we had project presentation on Statement Of Work, Work Breakdown Structure and AON.
I was rather nervous during the presentation.

After presentation has finished, we went to GuangGu(光谷). The bus ride was very long and we took close to one hour to reach the place. The place was very huge and there were many things to see.

There was a funny sign there which was translated wrongly

After that headed back by bus again.

I had taken the bus a few times already but today was the worst experience I have ever had. The bus wasn't that squeezy today, but the ride was very long. I didnt manage to find a seat and had to stand almost throughout the entire trip. I could have gotten a seat but some people just snatched it from me. I feel that it was very rude to do that. I was just right behind the seat and was about to sit down when a person beside me just pushed me away and sat down on the seat. I feel that if he really wants the seat, he can just take the seat instead of pushing me away for the seat. I was lucky that i didnt fall because there were people behind me and I was holding on to the railing. Dong Xiang managed to get a seat for me when we were almost reaching back. He put his jacket on the seat and asked me to get over to sit. He then told me that people here tend to grab seats once they see one. I was very touched when he gave up his seat just for me. Reached back and prepared for the trip tomorrow

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