
Day 18

We had our breakfast at 6.40am today and after that we left the cruise at around 7am. After that, we headed to the site where it shows how the three gorges dam is built.

Here is some information about the three gorges and why the three gorges dam is built which i got over the internet

The Three Gorges is the general name for the Qutang, Wuxia, and Xiling gorges. The Three Gorges area begins at Baidicheng in Fengjie County, Sichuan Province, and ends at Nanjinguan in Yichang County, Hubei province, a distance of 193 kilometers. The Three Gorges area, well known for its precipitous terrain and numerous scenic spots, has been listed as the best of the top 40 scenic spots in China.

The idea of building a dam across the Yangtze river to control flooding and to and to harness it for hydropower has been the dream of several generations of Chinese since the time of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, forerunner of China's democratic revolution.The principal advantage of the project is to generate power to keep pace with China's economic growth. It is estimated that China's power output must rise by 8 percent annually to keep pace with 6 percent annual increase in gross national product.

After we reached the place, we were brought around by bus to some places and we alighted to take some snaps. Here are the pictures taken today

The dam is just behind us;)


The three gorges tour was really a wonderful experience. The first day passed very quickly as the day is mostly travelling to the cruise ship. For the second and third day, it was lots of fun. There are many things that I've never seen before I made the trip. For example, the crossing of the dam by cruise. It was really a wonder how the ship can cross the dam. The designs of how the ship crosses the dam by the use of the elevation of water is very ingenious.

What I liked most during this trip was the scenery. The scenery seen whether from boat or in the bus was stunning.It was really an eye opener to me as I never seen such wonderful sights before. The sceneries which I liked the most was the viewing of the mountains from the boat and the grass plains from the bus. In Singapore, you'll never get to see sceneries like this.

Overall during the entire trip, what caught my attention the most was the boat trackers on the second day of the three gorges trip. They wake up very early in the morning just to get to their workplace and start work. Although their labour is very high, their pay isn't very high. They get about 30 rmb just to get people to and forth the Shengnongxia stream. Their annual income is about 5000rmb per year. Seeing them work so hard to support themselves made me realise the importance of money. It made me realise that I'm very lucky and this has made me learnt to treasure money even more.

Even though the time taken during travels took up most of the time of the trip, I think that it was worthwhile after experiencing all the wonderful stuff after reaching the various destinations.

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