
Day 41

It is the last day that we're in Wuhan! We were feeling anxious on going home but at the same time we couldn't bear to leave the china students as the bond between us was already quite strong.

Today basically passed very quickly. The flights took up most of the time. Unfortunately, there was a delay in GuangZhou, making us reach Singapore at 10pm. Went home with my family after meeting them at the airport


Throughout the 41 days in Wuhan, I had been through alot and learnt many new things. There're good things and also bad habits.

But I'll learn to quit those habits when I'm in Singapore. Firstly the bad things that i will change after reaching home. Honestly, there are some times that i will place rubbish at the side of the roads because there are no rubbish chutes and I'm lazy to carry the rubbish throughout until i find a dustbin.

I don't know this is a good thing or a bad thing but i have learnt to be more open minded and more straight forward after my trip to wuhan. I had been keeping to myself during the start when i was in wuhan. As time passed, i learnt to open up to people and make more friends. The china students were great friends i had in wuhan and never wish to forget them.

Besides the china students, i will also like to thank my fellow classmates who were with me throughout the trip. Though we separated into different cliques, we were together at times and there were some unity between us.

Lastly, without the teachers, there is no possibility that we will be well cared for. They sacrificed alot for us just for our safety and well being. They are also in Wuhan but sometimes cannot get the things they want because they had a tight timing to follow and also to allow us students to be able to follow schedules.

I will never forget the times i had in Wuhan and I never regretted 0nce being in Wuhan for this two modules. If given opportunities in the future, i will choose to go back and meet the china students again.

Wonderful memories~~

My partner from another campus of WUST

Group photo outside golden han

Group photo taken with the China students

The hairdressers in 发源地

Group of ECE students and MDE students and China students

Thank you Wuhan for giving me a wonderful experience!:D

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