
Day 26

Today we were given the day off by Miss Neo because of the climb to wudang mountain yesterday. We went to 江汉路步行街at around 10.30. Took a bus there. Me, Wei Qin and Ron headed to the arcade instead of going to eat with the rest. After that we went to Walmart.

The girls bought many packets of Pocky and Prejoy because there was an offer. The offer gave $5 off for every $25 worth of products bought.Heres a picture of how much the girls bought. It was more than a trolley full! This drew the attentions of local people as they were stunned at why there were so many packets of Pocky and Prejoy in the girls trolley.

After that we headed back


There were two incidents that I had witnessed today. Two people were shouting at each other at the tops of their voice in public because their dogs had a fight with each other. One of the dogs bit the other, causing the owner to be very angry and start a fight. The fight was very intense and it drew the attention of quite a crowd of people. The owner of the dog which was bitten also kicked the dog which bit her dog. That made the fight even more intense. They were argueing about compensation because the dog might be injured by the bite. I think things like these are quite common in China. China has a very huge population and this may be present in everyday life. All people can do is mind their own business and walk away after knowing what has happened rather then contribute to fights like this.

Another incident was a parent hitting their child because of something he did wrong. The slap was so loud that we could hear it quite a distance away from them. It was brought to our attention that the escalator beside us has stopped. We infered that the child must have pressed the stop button of the escalator, causing the father to get fed up and slap the child. I think its because the father of the child may have to pay because he stopped the escalator that’s why he slapped his child out of anger. I think that he shouldn’t have slapped his child like that just because he did something wrong. He could just have scolded him instead of hitting him.

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