
Day 28

Today i woke up later in the morning as i was given more time to rest. I was given mc for today because i had high fever and had to go 点滴again in the afternoon! Tang shi fu came by to accompany me to the hospital for 点滴. I was joined by Dong Xiang who accompanied me back to the room after 点滴. I rested in the room after that till the next day.

It was a horrible experience during 点滴. Unlike Singapore, by which the injection only last for a few seconds, 点滴lasts for 2 hours. They insert a needle into your veins and let the medicine enter your blood stream this way. Though it was a horrible experience, if not for the accompany of my friends and teachers, I won't make it through the 点滴. I will like to thank them for their time spent just for me.

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