
Day 39

Today was free and easy again! Me, Wen Jie and Ling Li went to walmart to purchase some of Wuhan's 特产. It was raining cats and dogs during that time. We had a hard time getting around after purchasing the things we wanted because the rain was very big and we had to move through the shelters.

After going back my group had project discussion on how we wanted to do our video. Time passed very quickly and it was night. Thats all for today!:)


During my visit to Walmart, I saw a very interesting thing that can never be seen in Singapore. Any ideas what it was? It was a wild boar!!

Picture of the wild boar

It was really funny when we saw the wild boar. We found out that they were selling the wild boar. There even was a sign that not to go near the wild boar because it is very dangerous.

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