
Day 37

Today we woke up very early in the morning just to prepare for our match with the WUST students. We went to the basketball court after we prepared and had a warmup. Soon after, we saw some WUST students wearing jersey comming over to the court we were at. There was even a WUST flag!! We thought that it was just a friendly match and began playing after we prepared finished. The match was a tough one. Sihao sprained his ankle while playing and had to be sent to the hospital for an x ray. The match left quite a number of people injured. I realised that during the match, they had already gone easy on us because i heard them saying over to their teamates to slow down. After the match, we went back to our room and had a good bath. We rested at our room till the farewell dinner.

photo taken with the WUST players

Group shot!
Group photo with a tall WUST basketball player

The farewall dinner began off with a speech by the WUST principal. The night was very fun filled. I'll end off with pictures taken during the farewell dinner. Enjoy!:)

Me and Xiao Xiong

Me and Mei Ze

Me and Dong Xiang

Group photo!

Bigger group photo!

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