
Day 25

Today we woke up very early for breakfast.

Then we prepared and headed off to climb to 金顶. It was so tiring climbing up the mountain. We climbed for 3 long hours before reaching the top. The walk-paths are uneven at some points and there were many stairs we had to climb throughout.

I bought 2 locks at 金顶.

There was this copper house at the top whereby people will throw money up as they believe that it’ll bring them luck. Some people even picked up other peoples coins which had fell and threw it back up.

Me,Wei Qin, SoonLing and Janice went down the mountain quickly at around 12. On the way, Wei Qin wasn’t feeling well and needed to use the toilet. We waited for her and then climbed down. Janice also wasn’t feeling very well that time. There were points whereby we had to stop a while for resting. We ended up reaching the bus very wait and everyone as a result had to wait for all of us. Im very sorry for everyone to wait for us before the bus could go off. There are many consequences that may have happened.

After that we headed back and reached the school at 9.30.


Today, during the climb of wudang mountain, I learnt a couple of things. Punctuality and teamwork are two of the things that I learnt today. In order to climb the mountain, if people are in need, I think that we should lend a helping hand to help them. If I know I will not be able to climb the mountain in time,I should head back down. Being punctual is of upmost importance compared to being able to achieve something. Once again, sorry to Miss Neo, the WUST staffs and the MDE and ECE students who had to wait for all of us.

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