
Day 36

After project presentation,we were given time off! It was free and easy for the rest of the days in Wuhan. We went to 江汉路 to exchange money because most of us do not have much money left and want to change more money so that we can shop.

Me and wen jie in the bus

in the bank

After that we headed back


Today during our exchange of money, we were greeted with an awkward situation. Some people stood outside the bank and when we entered the bank, they followed us in. When some of the girls were asking inquiries about the exchange rate, a man approached us and asked us if we wanted to change money with them. He offered us a 5 -1 exchange rate of SGD to RMB. It was a good rate, but we didn't want to exchange with him because it was very dangerous. The man asked us to follow him to exchange money if we were interested. He went out and waved us to follow. However, we didn't follow him. The security guard at that time walked up to us, and silently whispered to us and told us that it was a scam and not to tell the scammer that the security guard told us the information. After time, we realized that there were many people carrying bags and holding something like a calculator. We inferred that they were out to cheat peoples money too. We exchanged from the bank and went off. Personally, i feel that the bank shouldn't allow people like these in. They should ban them from entering the bank as they cause inconvenience to people when they keep approaching us. Things like this won't be seen in Singapore because the security of banks are rather high with more guards and such case won't happen

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