
Day 35

Today was a wonderful day. It was the day that we went to another WUST campus at黄家湖 district. We were warmly welcomed by the students there and were split into groups with one partner. After that there was a speech by the china students and our students. There were performances and then we headed off to tour the school. The facilities in this campus is much better than the facilities in our campus. We had our lunch thereafter and some ice breaking games to end the day.

Theres even a sign just to welcome us!
People from the left crowding to welcome us
introduction speech

Me and my partner

Ice breaking games

The school library

A token from ngee ann to WUST
Another token from ngee ann to WUST


I was stunned when I saw how warmly the WUST students in the 黄家湖 district welcomed us. It was really unexpected and we could see them so united together even from the bus. Their hospitality was awesome and made sure everyone doesn't feel awkward. If there were to come a time whereby we have a chance to welcome the china students, I will definitely be more hospitable to them as they have really made me very touched by their actions.

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