
Day 41

It is the last day that we're in Wuhan! We were feeling anxious on going home but at the same time we couldn't bear to leave the china students as the bond between us was already quite strong.

Today basically passed very quickly. The flights took up most of the time. Unfortunately, there was a delay in GuangZhou, making us reach Singapore at 10pm. Went home with my family after meeting them at the airport


Throughout the 41 days in Wuhan, I had been through alot and learnt many new things. There're good things and also bad habits.

But I'll learn to quit those habits when I'm in Singapore. Firstly the bad things that i will change after reaching home. Honestly, there are some times that i will place rubbish at the side of the roads because there are no rubbish chutes and I'm lazy to carry the rubbish throughout until i find a dustbin.

I don't know this is a good thing or a bad thing but i have learnt to be more open minded and more straight forward after my trip to wuhan. I had been keeping to myself during the start when i was in wuhan. As time passed, i learnt to open up to people and make more friends. The china students were great friends i had in wuhan and never wish to forget them.

Besides the china students, i will also like to thank my fellow classmates who were with me throughout the trip. Though we separated into different cliques, we were together at times and there were some unity between us.

Lastly, without the teachers, there is no possibility that we will be well cared for. They sacrificed alot for us just for our safety and well being. They are also in Wuhan but sometimes cannot get the things they want because they had a tight timing to follow and also to allow us students to be able to follow schedules.

I will never forget the times i had in Wuhan and I never regretted 0nce being in Wuhan for this two modules. If given opportunities in the future, i will choose to go back and meet the china students again.

Wonderful memories~~

My partner from another campus of WUST

Group photo outside golden han

Group photo taken with the China students

The hairdressers in 发源地

Group of ECE students and MDE students and China students

Thank you Wuhan for giving me a wonderful experience!:D

Day 40

Today was the 2nd last day before we head back to Singapore! Our group woke up very early in the morning to do videoing for the IS video. We had it finished pretty early and prepared our luggage to weigh. After weighing i went back to my room to rest. I didn't follow the rest to go to 发源地 because i didn't have to get my hair done. We rested till night when we were supposed to meet the china students for a surprise. It came to our knowledge that the china students booked a room in a motel just to have a farewell party for us. They even bought a cake for us!! Some people played mahjong in the room, while some watched tv and played cards.

Us at the lobby

Us in the room with the cake


The china students took great care of us during our stay in Wuhan. We were treated like brothers and sisters by them and we also learnt a great deal of things from them. Today, they even sacrificed their allowance just to pay for everything, the booking of the room and the cake. Imagine that they might have to scrimp and save in the future just to get the things they want. It was really wonderful to know such people like them. The time we spent together may only be 42 days, but the memory of the times we spent will definitely last forever. I will remember the things that all the china students had done for me and the times i spent in Wuhan.:)


Day 39

Today was free and easy again! Me, Wen Jie and Ling Li went to walmart to purchase some of Wuhan's 特产. It was raining cats and dogs during that time. We had a hard time getting around after purchasing the things we wanted because the rain was very big and we had to move through the shelters.

After going back my group had project discussion on how we wanted to do our video. Time passed very quickly and it was night. Thats all for today!:)


During my visit to Walmart, I saw a very interesting thing that can never be seen in Singapore. Any ideas what it was? It was a wild boar!!

Picture of the wild boar

It was really funny when we saw the wild boar. We found out that they were selling the wild boar. There even was a sign that not to go near the wild boar because it is very dangerous.

Day 38

Today was free and easy again! We went out with our china friends and they brought us to 四门口 to shop!. We even sat a speed boat back 江汉路 because there was no bus at the place we were at after reaching there. We had a buffet at a restaurant called Golden Hans to have our dinner.

The place we purchased our tickets

Our ticket to the speed boat
Speed boat!
Group photo:0

The restaurant we ate at

Group photo


During my stay in Wuhan, i had sat a speed boat two times. One was today and another was during the three gorges trip. It really was something that i had never tried before. As Singapore is a small country, it is not necessary to get from a place to another by boat. Thats why in Wuhan, being able to sit a speed boat was really a good experience. It was very fast and easy to get around compared to land transport. I wonder if Singapore could expand bigger as a country in the future. If it were to become bigger and have the access of more transports to get from one part of the country to another part, it can be a good experience for the future generations. Thats all for today!:)

Day 37

Today we woke up very early in the morning just to prepare for our match with the WUST students. We went to the basketball court after we prepared and had a warmup. Soon after, we saw some WUST students wearing jersey comming over to the court we were at. There was even a WUST flag!! We thought that it was just a friendly match and began playing after we prepared finished. The match was a tough one. Sihao sprained his ankle while playing and had to be sent to the hospital for an x ray. The match left quite a number of people injured. I realised that during the match, they had already gone easy on us because i heard them saying over to their teamates to slow down. After the match, we went back to our room and had a good bath. We rested at our room till the farewell dinner.

photo taken with the WUST players

Group shot!
Group photo with a tall WUST basketball player

The farewall dinner began off with a speech by the WUST principal. The night was very fun filled. I'll end off with pictures taken during the farewell dinner. Enjoy!:)

Me and Xiao Xiong

Me and Mei Ze

Me and Dong Xiang

Group photo!

Bigger group photo!

Day 36

After project presentation,we were given time off! It was free and easy for the rest of the days in Wuhan. We went to 江汉路 to exchange money because most of us do not have much money left and want to change more money so that we can shop.

Me and wen jie in the bus

in the bank

After that we headed back


Today during our exchange of money, we were greeted with an awkward situation. Some people stood outside the bank and when we entered the bank, they followed us in. When some of the girls were asking inquiries about the exchange rate, a man approached us and asked us if we wanted to change money with them. He offered us a 5 -1 exchange rate of SGD to RMB. It was a good rate, but we didn't want to exchange with him because it was very dangerous. The man asked us to follow him to exchange money if we were interested. He went out and waved us to follow. However, we didn't follow him. The security guard at that time walked up to us, and silently whispered to us and told us that it was a scam and not to tell the scammer that the security guard told us the information. After time, we realized that there were many people carrying bags and holding something like a calculator. We inferred that they were out to cheat peoples money too. We exchanged from the bank and went off. Personally, i feel that the bank shouldn't allow people like these in. They should ban them from entering the bank as they cause inconvenience to people when they keep approaching us. Things like this won't be seen in Singapore because the security of banks are rather high with more guards and such case won't happen

Day 35

Today was a wonderful day. It was the day that we went to another WUST campus at黄家湖 district. We were warmly welcomed by the students there and were split into groups with one partner. After that there was a speech by the china students and our students. There were performances and then we headed off to tour the school. The facilities in this campus is much better than the facilities in our campus. We had our lunch thereafter and some ice breaking games to end the day.

Theres even a sign just to welcome us!
People from the left crowding to welcome us
introduction speech

Me and my partner

Ice breaking games

The school library

A token from ngee ann to WUST
Another token from ngee ann to WUST


I was stunned when I saw how warmly the WUST students in the 黄家湖 district welcomed us. It was really unexpected and we could see them so united together even from the bus. Their hospitality was awesome and made sure everyone doesn't feel awkward. If there were to come a time whereby we have a chance to welcome the china students, I will definitely be more hospitable to them as they have really made me very touched by their actions.

Day 34

Today is the final project presentation for project management. We met up early in the morning for the final discussion for the project presentation.Our group was the second to present.

I feel that the project presentation overall was a success.We even made an advertisement for the video. The video was shot the day before and was also made on that very day. Though it took a long time to edit and make the video, i think it was worthwhile because it contributed quite alot to our project too.

Compared to our interim presentation, this was much better. We had much more teamwork than before and i enjoy working with my group!:)

Day 33

Today is the last day of our PM lessons!!! Time really passed really quickly and we finished both our IS and PM modules. Miss Neo went through with us the exams papers after we finished them.

Its really amazing how time flies. I feel that having the 2 modules while being overseas was a really good experience. Not only do we get to have module exemptions, we also get to do the modules in different environment. I hope that there are more trips in the future which will give us module exemptions for our modules. This way, we're making full use of our holidays for our studies and we get to concentrate on fewer core modules when school reopens.

Throughout project management and the IS module, it has let me gain more insights about more pratical stuffs. For project management, i liked the cost crashing the most because it can relate to real life situations and it was also more mathematical. For IS, i learnt more about the culture of chinese and their different living conditions and beliefs.

Thats all for today!:)

Day 32

Today we were given time off for free and easy.We took bus 702 to guang gu, where we window shopped. Compared to other times we went to guang gu, today there was much more people because there was ching ming festival. We were kind of bored while walking around cause we had been to guang gu many times before and had been to most of the shops there.

We decided that we explore more of guang gu after walking a few rounds at the lower storeys. There was a store that we saw that interested us very much. It was the chicken rice store. We didn't buy the chicken rice there because it was rather expensive.

After that we went to buy our favourite bubble tea at coco.

Today, i finally saw a chicken rice stall here in Wuhan. During my stay here, i realised that there aren't any street stalls that sell chicken rice here. This has made me curious as i thought chicken rice would be local food in Wuhan. It was the first time here that i saw a chicken rice stall that was in Guang Gu. That then led me to do some research over the net.

Hainan chicken

The chicken rice we eat in Singapore originates from hainan. It is based on the well-known Hainanese dish called Wenchang chicken. Even though a small dish may not seem interesting to some, it interested me very much. Chicken rice is often considered as the "national dish" of Singapore and can bring back alot memories about the local food in Singapore if eaten in Wuhan. Thats why it made me very curious why it is so difficult to find chicken rice in Wuhan.

Day 31

We assembled at 8.30 today and headed for 湖北省博物馆.

Let me give you all a brief introduction about Hubei Provincial Musuem.

Hubei Provincial Museum is one of the most well known museums in China, with a huge collection of historic and cultural relics. There had been many changes to the museum since its establishment in 1953. This musuem is located in Wuchang District of Wuhan, Hubei Province. The collection of the museum includes ancient set of bronze bells and all kind of different ancient relics.

Here are the pictures taken.

After our visit to the museum, we had a picnic at 东湖. The scenery there was also amazing.Here are the pictures taken.


It was real nice to experience spring season in Wuhan. The flowers blooming was something that i had never seen before. Not to mention the different ancient artifacts that i had seen today, it was really an eye opener. What interested me the most was the different swords that were displayed in the museum. It was fascinating how the ancient tools in the past can be preserved so well until today. I did some research over the internet and found how the people preserved the artifacts.

Here are one of the examples how people preserve artifacts. When cleaning some artifacts, they use different techniques for different types of artifacts. To get rust off a metal item, they use dental tools to scrape rust off. The rust usually pops off easily. To keep metal from rusting again, they put tannic acid on the surface of the metal.

Thats all for today!:)